Glen Canyon, Page, Arizona

After a delightful morning spent in Lower Antelope Canyon, we are ready for some lunch. We stop at the Birdhouse for beer and fried chicken, just what they are advertising. Yum.

Now what? John suggests we take the trail ride the tourist guide guy suggested into the Glen Canyon Recreational Area. The road doesn’t look like its going to be terribly well marked so hopefully we don’t get lost in the wilds somewhere.


The ride starts out as normal as any ride through Utah, grasses, and brown, gold, and white striped mountains, and brown, red and white striped mountains..


We turn a corner and then—BAM!—it turns into this alien landscape.


What the?


Around another bend and, whoa! At least the color of the ground looks like Utah-yellow.


Around another turn and whew! Looks like we’re back on earth in a desert-type Utah.

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The trail leaves a groomed, sandy road and drops down into a dry wash that snakes through the landscape. Really? Now we feel like we’re back on an alien plant again, or maybe the moon or something.


Is it me or does this look a bunch of alien creatures were hatched? Maybe I watch too many science fiction films.


Really, can’t you see alien monsters hatching out of this stuff and flying around?


Thankfully we all made it past without getting attacked by strange creatures.


We come out of the dry wash and feel like we’ve landed back on earth again.


Okay, according to the guide in town, we should be on a point that we can overlook a large portion of Lake Powell.


Oops. We are not where we think we are. This does not look like a high overlook of Lake Powell. It looks, well, beach level.


The guys confer on where we might be.


Yeah, we’re a little off course but that okay. It is about the journey not the destination. It’s getting late so we decide to head back through the alien landscape.


The guys want to show off their muscles for us. Aren’t they CUTE!!!????



Candy and I love them. Speaking of which, a big shout out to Candy and her picture taking. Without her, this would not have been as visual interesting because I was too busy trying to navigate to take pictures. So THANK YOU CANDY!

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