Bitten By the COVID-19 Lockdown

Our plan, since we can’t park at Warren’s daughter’s cabin due to snow, is to head south to one of our favorite state parks, Bottomless Lake. However, the Governor of New Mexico just closed down all state parks. Really? Why would you close down camping? It not like we get that close to each other. Well, okay maybe at activities and stuff, and at the office, but steps could be taken to minimize contact.

Whatever. After calling the campgrounds in Roswell and finding out they are full it’s getting late. Rather than trying to find a place tonight, we decide to stay at a roadside rest until we can scope out the BLM land tomorrow.

Okay, morning comes and John hops in the Jeep to go scope things out while I finish up some work. He comes back with good news about a camping area that is still open.

Ugh! I hate sand. But you do what you have to do. We are certainly socially distanced out here. Aside from ATV people we are pretty much alone.

There is sand for miles in all directions. Have I mentioned I hate sand?

I would have made a snow angel but I didn’t want sand everywhere on me and in the coach.

We can spend two weeks here before we will need to dump our tanks and take on fresh water. John is working on his rock hobby now that he has the time. On the days that there isn’t a lot of wind and nobody is riding around the sand dunes he also wants to do some shooting with rifles that he newly set up for prairie dog hunting.

Watching the ATV’s and Razors playing on the sand dunes we think we want to try to take the Jeep out. We watched a pickup truck get stuck and get rescued by an old Jeep Cherokee. Hmm, go Jeeps!

Okay, we are heavy, like 4,000 pounds or more heavy, we are going to sink in the sand. There is no one around to pull us out. Let’s do it! John airs our tires down to about 25 pounds and off we go.

Chat me up peeps! We love to hear from you.