Elliston Gulch Dispersed Camping, MT

Normally, when we are going to boondock somewhere we will scope the area out in the Jeep before taking our rig in. We have not done that ONCE this year. I’m not sure why we haven’t. Perhaps over confidence? Whatever the reason, we almost got ourselves into a pickle this time.


There are two spots along this road where we think we might want to park for a few days. Had we reconnoitered with the Jeep we would have seen that this was not going to be possible due to the length and weight of our rig. We are pretty far up this road now, and we understand that the farther away from town we get, the less likely a lot of road maintenance is done.


We are getting a bit nervous as the road is not wide enough for us to turn around on, and if we do need to abandon this area, we are going to have to back the rig all the way back down. Miles back down. Luckily we come to an open area and pull into the large turnout. It is big enough for us to turn around in and plenty big enough to park. That’s it. This is where we are staying. It is nice that the road is not very busy and there is plenty of room for the dogs to roam and explore safely.


The views from up here are amazing, and though they are not out our front window, a short walk up the road affords us a beautiful scene. Good enough.


We do eventually, take the time to drive further up FS 314 and find that the road becomes inaccessible to a motorhome as the heavy rains and snow melt have carved large ruts in the road. Even cats only have nine lives. I don’t know how many we have used up but I think we better go back to scoping things out before blindly driving in. Free could become very expensive otherwise.


Chat me up peeps! We love to hear from you.