Mama is Looking for a Dog

It has been eight long years since Sophie passed and ten years since Cooper crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  

John, who has had dogs all his life, isn’t the one ready to have a dog again. It is all me. Yes, it is nice having the freedom of being able to go whenever and wherever without having to deal with animal care. Yes, it is nice not to have the expense of food, toys, gear, and vet appointments. However, when John is working his flight simulator job, I’m at home by myself for up to 80 hours a week, and if he goes overseas or across the country, it can be weeks or months at a time.

He has agreed to let me get a dog but has two criteria: medium size and non-shedding. Hmm. So that eliminates what he considers foo-foo dogs and my first choice, the Havanese.


Well, since small companion dogs are out and I’m not a doodle dog person, my next breed choice will come from the herding group. I’m looking for a dog that appears approachable and cute. A snuggler with a soft coat would be great, too. So far, the low-no-shed dogs I’m finding are either too large or not cute at all. After eliminating the Bergamasco, Bouvier des Flandres, Briard, Puli, Pumi, and Spanish Water Dog, I am down to two:

The Polish Lowland Sheepdog


The Portuguese Sheepdog.


Cute as they are, I’m still not “in love” with the look, care, or personality. This process of choosing “the right dog” is taking me a long time. I am about to decide on the Polish Lowland Sheepdog when I decide to do one more search and that is when I find the Barbado da Terceira.


This is it!!! This is the dog! The more I research it, the more I want one. Unfortunately, there aren’t any puppies available in the US now, and when there are, we will be gone and on our way to Arizona. Ugh! After coming so close to being so far away. I need time to pout.





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