Spyglass Winery Blues Fest

SpyglassSpyglass Ridge Winery was hosting their 4th annual Blues Fest and Mustang show. It was our first time to the show, and we took my parents (Jerry and Candy) along for their first Blues Fest. Our friends Andy and Candy also came to the event with us, and we met up with John’s sister Julie and Bill.

After my last outing (read the previous journal entry), I swore I was not going too drink to much and just have a nice time enjoying the music. There weren’t as many food and craft vendors at this festival as there are at the Celtic Festival that they host, but there was enough to keep me busy…apparently very busy.

We headed right for the wine tasting tent as soon as we got there, knowing that it would only get busier as the day progressed. John and I picked out our wine and headed over to the checkout. When we walked away from the line, we noticed that they gave us an open bottle of wine that we did not ask for. Luckily it was one that we liked so we decided to drink it any way. My parents were still in line so we had them grab us a bottle of the kind of wine we wanted. Not off to a good start for me. Instead of drinking just one bottle of wine, now we had two to drink. (the bottles were open already)

After some food and more wine, I was starting to feel REALLY good. My mother noticed a jewelery vendor earlier, so I headed over there to pick some out. There was a nice ankle bracelet and matching earrings, so I bought those. Hmm…I seem to be developing a pattern: drink at bit, buy jewelery. John told my mother that in five years I never asked for jewelery or bought any and now all of a suddenly every time I go out drinking I feel the need to shop for it. Well at least it isn’t the real expensive stuff.

As the day wore on and the wine was flowing and the music played, people in our group started heading off in their own directions, socializing, eating, whatever. So I decided to head out on my own as well. Now grapes in any form don’t exactly agree with my system and I end up using the restroom often. So as I’m perusing vendors and the car people and the food vendors and the winery gift shop, I’m also spending a lot of time making trips to the bathroom and needing to be there for a bit.

Well as it turns out, I was gone for a very long time and everyone was out looking for me, like a major search party or something. Bill eventually found me in one of the job johnny’s. He came up and pounded on my door, and of course I didn’t know it was him and thought “what jerk is pounding on my door? There are like 20 of these things here and they all can’t be full.” So I whip the door open and start to scream “What the Hell!?” but I stop mid-sentence when I see it is Bill.

Now I’m not allowed to go anywhere by myself at festivals, because I might get “lost” again.

Chat me up peeps! We love to hear from you.