Bill’s Retirement Party

Jul’s significant other has finally retired and they threw a part at their river lot to celebrate. Click here to see some pics. John and I decided to go up early in the day and spend some time with John’s mom and stepdad.

We went out to the Pepper Tree, where John’s mom works, for lunch. After that we took a stroll down memory lane and detoured through Freeburg on the way back to their house. I got to see the infamous Shale Pit, where John thought he could fly using the make shift hang glider he and his buddies made. We went by the house they used to live in and I got to see the backyard where he was shoving M80’s down a pipe and then capping them with pool balls “to see what would happen” when it blew. Then there was the hill where he had his big wreck on his bike because the front wheel came off, and the school house where he put his head through a window….oh and then there was the field where he and his friends crashed….and….well there is too much to write here about the adventures of John’s childhood, but I think you get the picture.

Bill's Cake

After that we went back to Peg and Vern’s house and chatted for awhile. Peg and I were on the verg of falling asleep so she turned on the tv and we both broke out our books. The guys chatted about cameras and guns and all kinds of stuff through the afternoon. Around 5:30 we headed over to Jul and Bill’s river lot for the party.

There was a really good turn out according to Jul, that most of the people she had invited had come. Peg, who isn’t much of an outdoor person, bought the Off Clip-On Mosquito Repellent. We were all curious to see how they worked. By the time they left, I can say that I wasn’t bitten by any Mosquitos. After they left I did put some bug spray on, but still got bit. I don’t know how they would work if we were hiking or backpacking, but for partys and sitting around outside I thought they did a pretty good job.

As the evening wore on, more people arrived and so did more food. John was in the food tent often checking out the new arrivals. I was quite full from all I had eaten earlier so I didn’t try anything. My Sweet Potato Salad was a hit and I gave Bill’s sister the recepe. A very tallented woman made bill a kayak cake. It was incredible. We all wanted to know if that is what she did professionally. She said it was not, but I commented that maybe she should, she was quite good. Bill wouldn’t cut the cake though. He said he was going to freeze it and save it for the New Year’s day kayak trip.

We headed home about 10:30 and their were still partiers hang out. I wonder what time they will all leave. Us, we were anxious to get to bed. Old Farts that we are.

Chat me up peeps! We love to hear from you.