Nor’easter in the Summer

Nor’easter storms in the winter cause foot upon foot of snow to be dumped on the Northeastern states. However, in the summer the result can be much more devastating causing wide spread flooding.

Keep in mind that 1 inch of rain = 1 foot of snow. This summer’s nor’easter dumped 8 inches of rain.

During flooding such as this many homes along waterways are evacuated. My daughter and her family along with my brother and his family were evacuated and stayed with my parents.


We, however, got the pleasure of having their pets as our guests. We no longer have pets of our own but we enjoy watching our friends and family animals.

Oh sure we miss our dogs but right now we are enjoying our freedom from all that goes along with caring for an animal.


Wilma, a cat rescued and brought to us by John’s niece Stevie. After an eye surgery, shots, spaying, general health maintenance, and socializing my daughter and her family adopted her.


It was kind of nice having her back “in the house” so to speak. Especially since we only had them over night.


It is going to take a while for the water in my daughter’s backyard to recede but until then she has the additional fun of having ducks in her backyard.


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